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A picture of a kingdom plant in Nenana Alaska

C. Jeff Dyrek, Webmaster at the Kenai Peninsula Alaska. Oct 2006
What is a kingdom plant, well you let me know. These pretty flowers were located in Nenana Alaska.

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My aunt says that this is a Kingdom Plant in this picture from Nenana Alaska

My aunt says that this is a Kingdom Plant in this picture from Nenana Alaska

  Photo by C. Jeff Dyrek 

   Click on Picture for a Larger View 

These flowers are one of the kingdom of plants that can be found in Nenana Alaska.  Nenana was an interesting place to visit.  I stayed in a motel that had only one room. The office was in the house next door.  This was actually a very nice motel.  The owner of the motel was the Fire Chief and him and his wife were very nice people.


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Please Note:  The background picture on this page was taken of the ice pack north of Norway, on the North Pole Expedition of 2003







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