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Beautiful Nasturtiums growing in Alaska.

C. Jeff Dyrek, Webmaster at the Kenai Peninsula Alaska. Oct 2006
Pictures of Beautiful Nasturtiums growing near Valdez Alaska.  These plants are eatable and can be used in salads.

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A Picture of Nasturtiums, possibly not a Native of the Alaskan Territory

A Picture of Nasturtiums, possibly not a Native of the Alaskan Territory

A Close-up picture of the Nasturium Plants in Alaska

  Photo by C. Jeff Dyrek 

   Click on Picture for a Larger View 

The Nasturtium (Tropaeolum majus)   Originating from South America the plants need full sun and good drainage, but the soil does not need to be especially rich and they are suitable for all but the coldest climate zones.

The leaves, flowers and seeds are entirely edible with a taste similar to watercress and are an attractive and nutritious addition to salads. They make a beautiful garnish and have 10 times the vitamin C of lettuce. Grind the seeds in a pepper mill, and use as you would black pepper.

Edibility: Nasturtiums are very edible. The leaves, flowers, and stems have a mild peppery flavor that is wonderful in green salads, and when the flowers are used, they also add color to the salad. A few raw leaves go very well with fish, and to add to a salad, simply take a couple dozen leaves and mix them in with the lettuce and other salad makings.  Leaves - raw or cooked. Exceptionally rich in vitamins and minerals, especially iron. The leaves are mainly used as a garnish or as an addition to salads, the flavor is strong with a characteristic hotness.

The blooms can even be batter fried for a delightful little snack.
The seed can be sprouted and eaten in salads. A hot flavor.
The seed is ground into a powder and used as a mustard. The pungency of mustard will develop when cold water is added to the ground-up seed.  An enzyme (myrosin) acts on a glycoside (sinigrin) to produce a sulfur compound. The total reaction takes 10 - 15 minutes.   The cold water is important because mixing the seeds with hot water or vinegar, or adding salt, inhibits the enzyme and produces a mild but bitter mustard.

Nasturtiums are very closely related to Water Cress and can be used in the same way. The flavor is similar, though somewhat milder in garden nasturtiums.

Medicinal Uses  Anti-scorbutic; Diuretic; Expectorant; Purgative; Stimulant; Stomachic.


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Please Note:  The background picture on this page was taken of the ice pack north of Norway, on the North Pole Expedition of 2003





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