YIBET on the Youth of America, Kids Training Program

Y-I-BET on the Youth of America,
Lorri builds her model Airplane.

Even parents learn using the principles in this program and build their own F-16 Models

On the Youth of America
Youth Innovative Business Environment Training
Teaching Our Kids by Exposing Them to the Right Stuff.


Prep for visiting
183rd Fighter Squadron, 6-11-2000
Springfield, IL.
Click for larger view
Lorri builds a beautiful F-16 Falcon

Even parents learn from the Y-I-BET program.   The more I work with this program, the more I find that Americans in general are not taught the principles of  the high technology that are needed by the United States.  Television programs continuously distribute the idea that if you are smart or do smart things you are not cool.  In the Bushnell housing project the kids that are becoming cool are the kids that are doing cool high tech things.  Most of these kids come from single parent families in which the parents never had a chance to have the proper education in technology. 

The Y-I-BET program tries to pair up two kids with one parent on events and field trips which gives the parents the chance to do all of these fun, educational, activities also.

Lorri is an avid reader and she now reads a lot of books about aviation.  Believe me, she knows about the different versions of MIG's and Sukoi's and the types of electronic and weapon systems of both the American and Russian fighters.  Lorri has been to many airshows and has both viewed and touched these aircraft herself.   From educated parents come educated kids.  The Y-I-BET program talks about kids but teaches the parents as well.  This is the only way that we, as a nation, are going to win this plight to the absurd taught by our televisions and Hollywood.



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