Captain Roberto Perez Dominguez, Airline
Pilot, Military Pilot from Mexico City
This is the History of Airlines Captain Roberto Perez
Dominguez flying many types of aircraft from the Beech 18, to Crop Dusters to
the Boeing B-25. Captain Dominguez has over ten thousand hours in the air
and now has over 3100 models that he built. These models are all 1/72
Scale and very nicely built.
Esta es la historia de Aerolneas
Capitn Roberto Prez Domnguez muchos tipos de vuelo de las
aeronaves de la Haya 18, a los cultivos Dusters a los Boeing
B-25. Capitn Domnguez cuenta con ms de diez mil horas en
el aire y ahora tiene ms de 3100 modelos que construy.
Estos modelos son los 1 / 72 escala y muy bien construido.
This is the Home Page for
the Model Airplanes Photo Tour Exhibit
Born in Mexico City on November 30, 1930. Chip grew up and
took a little flight instruction. He entered into the school
of aviation on 5 May and then graduated as a commercial pilot
aviator in 1952.
He flew as a military pilot in Oaxaca, based in Puebla, and
then in Air Transport based on Tuxtia Gutierrez.
He was a flight instructor at the School of Aviation, CIAAC,
Mexico National School of Aviation and Aeronautics for Pan America.
For several seasons he worked as an agricultural pilot in various
regions of the country.
He flew the following aircraft: Interstate, Luscombe,
Stearman, Fairchild C-60 LodeStar, Douglas B-18, Avro Anson IV,
Douglas C-39 and DC-3, Talorcraft, Piper Cherokee, B-25 Mitchel and
Lockeed PB-2.
When he left the profession, he had more than 10,000 flight
hours and currently is engaged in activities not related to
aviation. He has 3146 airplanes in his collection with model
planes from around the world from different times.
Dear Roberto, I thought that this would be a nice model to add to your collection.
You probably already have one of these but this one was made in
Russia. I bought this in Moscow in 2002 on my way back from the
North Pole. I told you about the toy store before. They had more
models than any toy store than I have ever seen. It tells a lot
about the people and how smart they are. Smart people build models.
Dumb people spend their time on drugs. In the United States the kids
rarely build models. My friend, who owns a hobby shop, said that it
is only older guys like me that buy models. Kids never buy models
anymore. When I look at the kids walking down the street, I see
zombies instead of kids. I am very sorry to say this, our kids are
lost and that means that America is lost. I really believe that this
told in the Bible. America is one of the signs of the last days
before Jesus returns. When I look at the crime and drugs in our
kids, I can see that the Bible is telling the truth. Thank you very
much for being a good example for kids to follow. Your model
collection has with no doubt influenced many kids to do things that
make their future better. I hope that you enjoy this model airplane.
I would appreciate if you would send me some pictures of it when it
is finished. Thanks again and have a good day,
Estimado Roberto, Pens que este sera un buen modelo para aadir a su coleccin.
Probablemente ya tiene uno de estos, pero este fue un hecho en Rusia.
He comprado este en Mosc en 2002 en mi camino de regreso desde el
Polo Norte. Le dije a usted acerca de la tienda de juguetes antes.
Haban ms modelos que cualquier tienda de juguetes que he visto
nunca. Se dice mucho sobre las personas y de qu modo lo son.
Construir modelos de las personas inteligentes. Tonta la gente pasa
su tiempo en materia de drogas. En los Estados Unidos los nios rara
vez construir modelos. Mi amigo, que es duea de una tienda de
hobby, dice que slo es gente de ms edad como yo que comprar los
modelos. Los nios nunca comprar modelos ms. Cuando miro a los
chicos caminando por la calle, veo zombies en lugar de nios. Lo
lamento mucho decir esto, nuestros hijos se pierden y eso significa
que Estados Unidos est perdido. Creo realmente que este dijo en la
Biblia. Amrica es uno de los signos de los ltimos das antes de
que Jess regrese. Cuando miro en la delincuencia y las drogas en
nuestros hijos, puedo ver que la Biblia est diciendo la verdad.
Muchas gracias por ser un buen ejemplo para los nios a seguir. Su
modelo de coleccin sin duda ha influido en muchos nios a hacer las
cosas que hacen que su futuro mejor. Espero que disfrutes de este
modelo de avin. Le agradecera si usted enviarme algunas fotos de
l cuando ha terminado. Gracias de nuevo y tener un buen da,