This is a different construction project from the rest in this exhibit.
The Pitts here is being constructed in Chicago's west suburbs.
This is a square wing Pitts as opposed to the round wing Pitts featured
in this article. This gentleman is a mechanical engineer and is building
this Pitts in the basement of his house which he has recently built himself,
also. There are a number of changes to this wing that he has made
from the original plan. Notice the extra parallel stiffeners he as
added to the leading edge. With exception of frontal impact strength,
I don't believe that this adds any strength to the wing. These strips
combined with their large corner blocks attached to each rib add more weight
to the wing and may actually, under a high "G" load, add to the stress
of the wing.
He has made this a square wing meaning that the tips of the wing
are squared off instead of the original rounded tip. The wings
on Sean Tuckers wings are very similar. I believe Sean is the current
U.S. Champion so this means a lot. The square wing may actually add
more wing area without adding any span to the wing. Another asset
of a square wing is that the aileron extends to the end of the wing allowing
for a larger aileron and more torque being added to the roll rate of the
aircraft. Aircraft
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