What kind of kids program is this

Y-I-Bet on the Youth of America
a Kids Program Group.
YI-Apuesta por la Juventud de Amrica
un grupo de programas para nios.


Youth Innovative Business Environment Training.

Stephanie Visits the 183 Fighter Squadron and Lots more

You are in the 
Main Index of the
Kids Program Department.
in the   YellowAirplane Museum.

What are we doing for our kids.  This kids program is designed to give them the best possible chance for a Successful Future. 

This Youth Program is one of the best chances for our kids in public housing.   My view is that we must attack the problems before they start.  Most kids in public housing never have a chance to do anything except watch TV and talk about drugs and sex, and what is the result?  They end up in jail, on drugs, pregnant with no fathers for their kids and anything else that you can imagine.  This youth program is designed to let the kids see that there is a future with many possibilities that can lead them into a happier wealthier life instead of another generation of welfare bound people.   Going to air shows, air force bases, museums, camping, races and watching good movies are all part of the youth program.  Look at these pages and see what these kids are doing for their futures.

Este Programa de la Juventud es una de las mejores oportunidades para nuestros hijos en una vivienda pblica. Mi opinin es que debemos atacar los problemas antes de que comiencen. La mayora de los nios en la vivienda pblica no tienen la oportunidad de hacer nada excepto ver la televisin y hablar sobre drogas y sexo, y lo que es el resultado? Terminan en la crcel, las drogas, las mujeres embarazadas sin padres para sus hijos y cualquier cosa que te puedas imaginar. Este programa juvenil est diseado para permitir a los nios ver que hay un futuro con muchas posibilidades que les puede llevar a una vida ms feliz ricos en lugar de otra generacin de bienestar de la poblacin vinculada. Ir a la muestra de aire, las bases de la fuerza area, museos, camping, razas y ver buenas pelculas son parte del programa de juventud. Mira estas pginas y ver lo que estos chicos estn haciendo para su futuro.


Look Below to see some of the places we have gone and Experiments that we had done.
Bloomington Air show 7-8-2000 183rd Fighter Squadron 6-12-2000 Young Eagles Day, 6-3-2000   Bushnell-Prairie City  School  Quad Cities Air show  Roger Smith's Airplane Shop
 Smith Airport  Magazines  Model Airplanes  Movies  Races  School Visitations
 March of Dimes Race Team        Guilliams Family  
 413th Fighter Group  Famous People

This is the Y-I-BET
Home Page

 North Pole Exhibits  Jeff Dyrek Story
 USS Kitty Hawk  Online Museum  Veterans Articles  

For Airplane Models, Airplane Books and Aviation Videos go to the Yellow Airplane StoreGo to the Stores Front Door

Jet Fighters WWII Fighters WWI Fighters WW1 Airplanes Ships Spacecraft Tanks

For Airplane Models, Airplane Books and Aviation Videos go to the Yellow Airplane StoreGo to the Museum Entrance.

"Don't Quit Deaming.... Sometimes they come true, and Sometimes just by mere chasing of a dream..... a doorway to something even better appears."   Lorri Timbs



On the Youth of America
Youth Innovative Business Environment Training

Home Page
I keep seeing TV programs that talk about how the schools are doing so poorly and they don't really know how to improve them.  It's not the schools, it's the other junk on TV that is telling the kids that smart is not cool, crime is the new way and drugs, drugs, drugs.  Where are the inspirational programs that make a kid say, "I want to do that when I grow up."  This is the whole secret about teaching kids.  Get them interested in TV programs that teach and inspire, long before they end up in school.  These pre school days, from birth and on, that are going to imbed the image of the future into your kids minds.  It's what the kid watches at these times and after that make up the future of the kids.  Every single kid that used the Y-I-BET program for two years or more grew up doing very well.  Tabby, at 19 gained a CNA license, bought her own car and even bought her own house.  This is the result of using the existing technologies and proper home training with TV and building models does.  It works.

The Y-I-BET program is designed to get kids interested in technology and provide a way to keep them interested while they grow and learn. 

Y-I-BET is an experimental program with great hopes of becoming a powerful way to keep kids pointed in the right direction.  The following pages show some of the experiments, activities, and work that has been performed, testing each part of the program for its educational benefits, the kids interest in the activities, program feasibility and total program cost. 

This eleven year old little girl is enjoying this kids program
Stephanie Timbs
10 years old
Steff likes a little power in her airplane.
This picture and story were featured
in Sport Aviation Magazine.


This is the 
Home Page

The links below show only a very small part of the efforts and events that we have worked on.  This site is so incomplete.  It doesn't include the March of Dimes Race Team, the trips to the museums, the mountain climbing and the snorkeling trips that we took many kids on.  Most of these events will never be listed here because going back in the history of the program is so long before the web ever existed.

Next Page

How to Use Magazines to Teach Your Kids 
Magazines are a great way for your kids to learn about aviation.  We placed magazines in different parts of the house to see where the kids showed the most interest in reading.  The results of this experiment was very interesting.
Next Page
Model Airplanes 
Models are a great way to teach kids about many different things.
Building model airplanes teach kids how to read blueprints, about the different parts of the airplane, about model making and mechanical skills and a whole lot more.  This article has some very good pictures and fantastic results.
Next Page
When used in conjunction with other activities, movies become a great teaching aid. Our youth group didn't watch just any movie, we coordinated the subject matter with the other activities that we were working on.  This was a super successful method of teaching kids and keeping them interested.
Next Page
We collated, folded, stamped, stapled and labeled the newsletters for EAA Chapter 350 and IAC Chapter 61.  This program didn't stop at just being a spectator, it took an active role in aviation.  I was the Newsletter Editor for both International Aerobatics Club IAC-61 and the Experimental Aircraft Association EAA-350 so using a little innovation I used the youth to learn the business of making newsletters.  Steff said, "It takes two stamps to go to Germany."  Lots of photos.
Next Page
Kids love races, they learn about track operations, race engines, race classes and have fun.   I've been a race track announcer for seventeen years total.  When we take our youth group to the races they get to do things that benefit the track.
Next Page
School Visitations 
We went to the local schools to talk about our travels and different ways of life.
Our efforts didn't stop there.  We went to different schools and talked about aviation and travel and brought foreign visitors to tell about their countries.
Next Page
Springfield Air Rendezvous 2001.  
Macomb Fly in 2001
Two years before Steve bought a model of Susan Dacy an Aerobatic Flyer.  He kept the model in the same blister package and when she was there again, we chased her down and had her sign it.
Smith Airport
Macomb, Illinois.  We always take Y-I-BET kids to the Smith Airport, C-10, to see the aerobatic aircraft, both completed or under construction.  Also Click Here to See the Pitts Pages.
Next Page
Prairie Air show 2001
This was a real hot one and there was no water that we could find.  The show was good and they had a good static aircraft display.  We brought about six kids on this one.  The kids got to sit in aircraft and watch the jet truck blast down the runway at three hundred miles an hour in six seconds.
Quad Cities Air show 7-14-2000
Davenport, Iowa The quad cities air show is one of the best.  They always have some fantastic static military and fun displays and a great air show too.
Next Page
Bloomington "Prairie" Air show 7-8-2000
Bloomington, Illinois now in Peoria, this is a great air show with usually the Blue Angels or the USAF Thunderbirds.
Next Page
Field Trip to 183rd Fighter Squadron 6-12-2000
Springfield, Illinois.  This is a real good one.  We had the grand tour of the base and a super close look at an F-16 Falcon.  We had two van loads of kids on this trip.
Next Page
EAA Chapter 350, Young Eagles Day, 6-3-2000 
Monmouth, Illinois.  Here's some great pictures of this fantastic program that takes kids on free airplane rides under the Young Eagles Program. 
Next Page
Bushnell-Prairie City Elementary School
Bushnell, Illinois, Nao Miyasaka came to tell about his town in Japan, Nagano, where they had the Olympics this year.
Next Page
Macomb Fly-in and Air show 1999 Macomb, Illinois
At this air show Steve bought a model of Susan Dacy. Read above to see what he did with it two years later.  
Quad Cities Air show 
Davenport, Iowa
Next Page
Roger Smith's Airplane Shop
Macomb, Illinois  We had a number of kids and parents from the Bushnell Housing Development go to Roger's Airplane Shop.  Here he is always working on or building a new airplane.  The kids get to look at the airplanes all of the way from construction to flying.  This is a very special privilege.
Next Page
Springfield Air Rendezvous
 Springfield, Illinois
This is the story of a girl who was mistreated by everyone that she met.  Mistreated in every way and abused.  I have worked with her and her family almost every day since 2003.  The page leads to a PDF document and this section will have a lot added to it.  It's a terrible shame how a society, the supposedly great United States can let a person grow up without a proper education, but Blaire is one of those people and is struggling through life on a day by day basis.  She once told me that my mom and me were the only people to ever treat her like a decent person.
Blaire Working on the Honda CX500 to learn about Automotive and Motorcycle Painting.
Next Page
The Swiss Family Guilliams Project.  Next Page
Where have these kids gone.  These are some of the field trips where we have taken our youth group. It's very important to take kids places.  When a kids travels they are doing something, it's an adventure to them.  Whether going to an air show or just visiting an airport, it's all new and educational for the kids.  Kids need to see what real adults do, the jobs and the hobbies that the kids see are a huge influence on their future.  Viewing everything that the kids see on these field trips will greatly improve their understanding of technology and industry.  This inside look at technology will greatly improve their understanding of how things works as well as stir the youths imagination thereby creating dreams and giving them their best chance to decide on a vocation at their earliest age.  The secret is keeping kids busy and having fun while learning, all of the time.


Teaching Your Kids by using Air Shows Next Page


5-26-2010 A letter to an air show promoter off of the Air Museums list.

Dear Paul,
Thank you very much for your reply. I am not able to list your air show on the museum's page because keeping up with everything is just too much for one guy. However, you gave me a fantastic idea which I should have thought of years ago. I have a page that links to air show listing links, that page needs to have links on every museum listing page on my website. Museums are absolutely fantastic and an air show is a dynamic museum or living museum. I take kids from the public housing to air shows on a regular basis. The kids that have been with our Y-I-BET on the Youth of America group for several years have all grown up to fantastic things at an early age. I have always thought of museums and air shows as the ultimate school for our kids.
Just going to the air show is a good thing, but our group pushes it to a new dimension, we assign kids with specialized jobs. One job is accounting where one of our older kids will keep track of all of the receipts from the gas stations, sodas, air show entry cost, food and anything else that cost us money. Tabby, a girl who did this when she was twelve ended up having a CNA license, bought her own car and bought her own house by the time she was 19. One boy who was in Behavior disorder classes and always in trouble came to me several years after his family moved out of the area. He had a new car, a great job and was dressed like a professional. He told me that when we were in the group, and I told the kids about dressing for success, so many times, that as soon as he cut his hair and started wearing decent clothing, everyone treated him much better and when he applied for a job, he was immediately hired.
I can go on and on about this, but there is something that is very important that I have learned which you may be able to use and even get grants to help promote your museum and air show. In an experiment that I did when doing promotion to the kids of the Macomb, IL. Air Show, I super quickly learned this secret. I made a number of letter sized posters and put them on the doors of the local stores. When I put it on the door of the video store, almost immediately, a little boy started screaming to his dad that he wanted to go to the air show. The poster was filled with graphics of the air show and, in big letters, I wrote, "Kids" Kids know about kids stuff and are highly influenced by the word Kids.
When I go to air shows, there is a definite lack of kids in the ages of 8 to 14. Targeting kids in the newspaper and radio ads is a way to increase the funding for the air shows and a way to reach the kids directly, improving their chance of choosing a technical and military career in our country.
As the last thing, I was an AT2 attached to VA-192 at NAS Lemoore. My brother lives in Virginia Beach and has 23 years in the service before he became disabled too. Thank you very much for serving in the U.S. Navy, it was the very best thing that ever happened to me, a south side of Chicago punk kid.
Thanks again,

What does a Disabled Veteran do with his life?  He stands strong and defends our country against domestic enemies.  This is why I have spent the past thirty years working with disadvantaged kids to show them better ways to learn and have fun at the same time.  I started a program called Y-I-BET on the Youth of America, which stands for; Youth Innovative Business Environment Training.  The program takes kids from Public Housing to Air Shows, Museums, Races and the EAA’s Young Eagles Program for free airplane rides and integrates each event with watching related programs on TV and working related hobbies that will give them their greatest chance for success farther on in life. 

Y-I-BET is an experimental program with great hopes of becoming a powerful way to keep kids pointed in the right direction.  It’s not just taking kids places to see things, it’s getting kids involved in each activity as well.  In the Museums they get to work on and sit in real jet fighters, at the races they work in the cafeteria and either sing the National Anthem or say the Pledge of Allegiance, with the Young Eagles they learn about airplanes and get a free plane ride too and even sometimes get to fly the plane themselves, plus, they get to work with the administration of signing up new kids to take their flights as well. With the Experimental Aircraft Association, the kids get to run an assembly line, printing, collating, stapling, folding and placing the stamps and labels on the clubs newsletters.  Ten year old Stephanie says, “It takes two stamps to go to Germany”  Teaching our kids is our first priority of a strong National Defense and the Y-I-BET on the Youth of America is standing there strong.

C. Jeff Dyrek, Webmaster


December 2008, A letter from Moki Kokoris a Polar Explorer, Writer for Polar Times Magazine and Global Warming Expert for the United Nations about how she uses her experiences to teach Kids.

Every self-respecting compass knows it has the capability to guide, but it is the hand in which it is held that chooses the orientation and ultimate goal. A simple brass instrument though I am, I nevertheless act as a dream talisman for my owner. It is not about the final destination; it is in the outcome of the journey itself where my noble powers lie.

 Like most humans, Moki began her life with many fantasies, but only after finally realizing her fondest childhood dream would she understand that little dreams lead to larger ones; that personal goals become lofty pursuits. In April, 2003, she reached the North Pole, degree 90-North, and in that moment of “polar nirvana”, she discovered her own True North – both literal and figurative.

 Not one person who has witnessed firsthand the majesty and fragility of those pristine white environs remains unmoved. A shift in consciousness occurs as a result of such highly personal endeavors. Everything changes. Orientation changes. As new directions are sought, others are found. One compass bearing often leads to another that is even more profound and life-altering.

 Born out of this new direction was 90-north.com: an outreach educational program for grade-school students, its objective to encourage them to become proud ambassadors of environmental conservation and conscientious stewards of our planet’s future.

 As Moki aims me toward True North, my needle points in the direction of Hope. When hope is the azimuth’s setting, empathy replaces despair, motivation replaces apathy, sense of empowerment replaces surrender. Following this course, children are inspired to become explorers themselves, to believe that they, too, can stand at the North Pole of their own imaginations. It is in endeavors like these that the ideals of every person’s True North thrives.

Visit Moki's Website    Read Moki's Story, "Noses are Red, Fingers are Blue."

November 2008.  A letter from Bill, a young man that I worked with many years ago when he was in high school. 

I didn't know I had an inbox... I just discovered it, so sorry I haven't replied earlier.
It sounds as if you have REALLY done some great and wonderful things, not only your travels and adventures, but your great Samaritan acts as well. Congrats. You were always a great mentor for me. Working with you and focusing on the Air Force is probably what kept me out of prison too.
I moved to North Carolina in 2000, with my wife, she went to Iraq in 2003, 2005, and we moved to Colorado in 2006 she went back to Iraq, and cheated on me all 3 times. I have raised our 7yr old daughter alone basically and am doing quite well. I am a State Narcotics Officer, and am also a Nationally Certified Life Safety Engineer (Mechanical Engineer) and am a Senior Draftsman at a firm here in Colorado Springs. I am giving up the badge I think and moving back to Illinois. Maybe so within the next 30-45days. I will more than likely go to Galesburg/Peoria area.
As for bikes, I have converted to BMW in 95, and have never looked back. I have 3 100,000 mile awards from BMW, and am working on my 4th. I have a 2005 BMW K1200LT that now is at 60,000 miles.
I hike the 14ers here in Colorado with my K-9 and that is about it. I have had a foot surgery, and am more than likely going in for a back surgery too. Bad accident snowboarding. I haven't missed any work from it thanks to Percocet and rest.
What kind of bikes do you have? Any for sale? ha ha. Would love to get that old RD350 back. That was my first motorcycle.
It has been great hearing from you again, maybe you can enlighten me on what and how docs messed you up.

April 2008 a letter from Lorri who worked on this project so hard with me for so many years.

LOL...Yes we do all resemble Desiree, Steff and Me, and yes there is a grandson as well now...Steff went into Labor last night.. Noah Samuel  isn't here yet but he should be any minute, or if the labor stops...any day....lol..
Thank you for the sweet words and inspiring thoughts Jeff...You always did help keep me on a positive thinking way of life....You inspired me so much in the positive thought path that I finished up a Masters license in stress reduction and positive thinking, psych field.  I may have not chosen the holistic healing area of study if it had not been for you encouraging me to explore healing plants and the power of positive thought.  Thanks.
write again soon ...I love to hear from you. Lorri.

Your story has the truth held right in your hand.  This is why I became an adventurer, I watched Gentle Ben, Flipper, Rip Cord and Sea Hunt all of the time.  These programs were meant to lead our kids in the right way.  Jacques Cousteau and Marlin Perkins were leaders of guiding us to new places in and under the world.  Star Trek and the space missions took us to places that we couldn't even imagine.  This is very true because they led me into where I am now, the garage. 
If I spent my life watching Cheers, I would be in a bar.  But those guys in the other programs were leaders of all mankind.  They are the reason the sticker, "Proud to be an American" came from.  Where Cheers and Family Guy are programs that make me want to hide my head in shame. 
All kids need to be led the right direction.  Your polar trip has without a doubt brought inspiration to kids minds and has changed their future.  It's so important for all of to work together. 
One part of the Y-I-BET Program was to use existing programs for their resources.  It was a big brothers program that was there to teach kids about possibilities. 
Ok, I'm attaching another photo.  This is one that almost went to the competition program.  I took the picture of the jet in the middle when I was in the Navy.  I took the picture of the jets above the one on the ground when our squadrons returned from the West Pac Cruise, four years later.  The kids are sitting in the exact same airplane.  The museum kept all of the planes closed until I begged them to open it up.  Since then, the kids had open access to all of the jets.  The State Farm Insurance headquarters hanger was right behind the museum and their mechanic came over and asked me if he could work on the F-4 Phantom.  He started taking the kids and letting them rebuild the whole airplane.  They took out the seats, the complete cockpits, repaired the throttles and everything.  The museum was too far for me to go there on a regular basis, but the museum now has a totally different purpose, to teach and inspire the kids. 
I am now friends with the former CEO and President of State Farm Insurance.  But to make a short story long, Gordon Doody, the pilot of this airplane called me about six years ago.  He said that he flew that plane and won Top Gun.  I'm sending you a link to his exhibit which is the Action Pics link on this page.  He finally was in  Attack Squadron VA-215.  After he told me that, I asked him if he knew Doug Shrieffer, who was the VA-215 Legal Officer and my jumpmaster in the skydiving team.  It turned out that the pictures that Gordon Doody sent me of the plane in the air were actually of Doug Shreffler.  He said that Doug was his wing man and his roommate all the way from primary flight training to his time on the USS Oriskany.  Doug Shreffler now lives two miles from my aunt in Chicago and is a lawyer there.  Small World.  Here's the link.  ../Museums/Photos/A-7_Corsair_Exhibit_Index.html
But Blaire, Ed Guilliams and his family, and the whole Y-I-BET group finally did get to sit in a jet fighter and this is it.  I used to have the seat cushions in my office.  I told Blaire and her girlfriend to feel the seat.  Then, teasingly I told them that, that was the impression of the pilot's butt, and it was.  Then I showed them the pilot.  So, in sense, they felt the butt of a real top gun pilot.
Imagine all of that.

WW2 War Correspondent, Ernie Pyle's story
teaches us that it is most often the simple things in life that 
provide the glue in a community.
Values such as honesty, persistence and concern for those less fortunate.

to learn About Jeff Dyrek, Click Here

A great article about Lorri Timbs

Click Here's a man who makes very unique Educational Books,
Games, and Art,Take a Look. 

This is a project that I'm working on with a disabled veteran from the Falkland Islands War in 1982.  He is suffering from PTSD and he wrote me a letter in which he sounded discouraged and inadequate.  This letter is to pick him up and also to give him some ideas on our Falkland Islands Expedition.

Dear Neil,
I almost flunked out of English and History.  Who needs to do all of this ridiculous study, "I Aint got no problm spekin englsh", I used to think.  I never realized about learning until I got into the Navy.  There I got straight A's and that was a two year classroom course before we went into the fleet.  My brother went into the Air Force and had no schools.  I couldn't believe it.  He just had on the job training and that was it.  Before I chose to go to the Navy I read about different career opportunities in a career class in High School.  It said that the Navy had the best schools and that's why I chose the Navy after I had two brothers that went to the Air Force and two who went to the Army. 

From that time on I always took some kind of course, either in night school, home study or by cassette tapes.  I have about a hundred success and business courses on cassette and have listened to them about a hundred times each.  That's the truth.  Every day that I drove to work and home, an hour each way, I would listen to the courses giving me two hundred and fifty-five days a year with two hours of study each day.  My nephew wanted to have copies of the tapes and I would use the high speed copy on my tape deck to make them.  But in that mode I could still hear the words and since I studied the tapes so many times, I could still understand everything these tapes said.  It was great because I was still getting the whole tape pushed into my head.  I stopped listening to music, almost altogether, because it turned out that the Rock-n-Roll became psychological warfare against the betterment of all mankind and is really bad with the new Hip-Hop and Rap music today.  So the only place that I found comfort and a future, was in my cassette tapes. 

Now when I work in the garage, I still listen to music, but only the old stuff or country.  I found a good country station that is not playing dying dog country, so it is really good music.  But, just like your Falklands project, this is how I now do my studies.  The emails that I receive are fantastic and I almost always hear from people, like yourself, who have something worthwhile to say.  My old high school friend got spammed permanently from me because he just sends me filthy jokes and porn pictures.  This happened to some of my other friends who became Big Shots in the government.  All the time that they are supposed to be working, they are sending filthy emails back and forth.  This is why I don't think our country has a future.  These guys have nothing but filth flowing through their heads and they are the big bosses.  This filth is an attack on our country and the whole world.
Ever since I ended up disabled, everything that I have ever done, including making this website at YellowAirplane.com, has been an accident.  I was trying to promote a product called Energy Release and was one of their very first distributors.  I had no money and I used the promotion techniques from the Joe Cossman and other courses to promote my product.  So I started the March of Dimes Race Team.  They said that it was ok to use their name, so I looked for some racers who might be interested.  I found a team that didn't tell me that it couldn't be done, which almost ten teams have already told me, so we painted the March of Dimes logo on their car.  The very first race that we went to, I didn't know a single person at the track and have never been to that track ever before.  I didn't know it, but the announcer quit that very same day.  Then my race car team builder told me to follow him.  We walked up to the announcers booth and I was thinking that this was great because I will get to see what the booth looks like inside.  There wasn't anyone in there.  My friend said, "this is your chair, you're the announcer".  It took me twenty minutes to get enough courage to say anything.  I would turn the mic on and off, and on and off again and never say anything.  I knew nothing at all, including the fact that I was going to be the announcer.  I announced for eighteen years until the staples in my stomach started cutting me so bad that I couldn't do it anymore.  I announced for car races, midget races, go carts and motorcycles.  I announced several state championships and national championships with the ESPN news anchor being my backup guy.  It was great! 
But, just after starting the announcing for the first time, I did what the courses said to do and wrote news releases to everyone.  So that's what I did and I told everyone about the March of Dimes Race Team.  The magazine liked my article so much that the editor did a special on it and then invited me to keep on writing.  I had so many good comments written to the editor
about my unusual stories, that I ended up becoming a staff writer.  Then I told him that they should have a subscription form in every issue, so they did that and the number subscriptions went up.  Then I said that they should have a new product section and he made me the New Products Editor.  It was all an accident for me. 
The track tried for ten years to get the TV to come out and take pictures of the races, but they were never successful.  I had them out to the track five times in just the very first year.  I was on several other stations with interviews and, at some events, I had several TV stations covering the event at one time. 
The newspapers put me in the headlines in three states saying, "Dyrek Racing Beneficial".  Twice a year I ran donation drives where the racers would come into the stands and collect money for the March of Dimes efforts in their fight for healthier babies and we always brought in at least 500 dollars each time. 
I ended up on radio talk shows and TV talk shows.  Also, I have been in many parades and blew up my radiator right in the middle of one of the parades having water and steam flying out everywhere and stopping the whole parade in the middle of the street.
With just talking on the web to people just like you.  I ended up going to the North Pole and being a guide on my very first expedition.  Experienced expeditioniers thought that I was experienced myself because I watched the promotional videos so many times as I would make copies and send them to prospective customers.  After two years of doing making the copies, I knew the names of so many of the other people that have been to the pole and how the operation worked, it was like I've been there many times myself and I sounded like an expert.
TV stations, like the BBC, NBC, History Channel, NHK and others would call me very often.  If I couldn't help them myself, I would send them to someone that could.  With all of the contacts that I've made, I ended up finding the Russian team for a Junk Yard Wars program, I think that they call it Scrap Heap Wars in England.  You may have seen the program where they made large snow machines that could break through huge walls of snow.  The Russian's almost won, but broke a drive shaft which stopped them.
I ended up giving lectures in high schools, middle schools, local clubs and then universities.  That's a good business, by the way.
Actually I can go on and on with this, but I think that you get the point. You are now starting on the same path as I have and we are working on this project together.  It's great! Just look at all of the people that we have met just in the past six months and this project has just started.   There's some cartoon named "The Future is Wild," and it is.  The future is wild and we are the wild ones because we will go where others will not.  The TV, Radio, Newspapers and Magazines are super hungry for a good story and your story is a super good one with the idea of "When Enemies Become Friends".   This is a great theme and President Obama's ideas are very much heading in the same way.  We are right at the beginning of the wave and this is when we need to paddle the hardest so we can ride the wave just as a surfer does.  We are the first to bring this idea along and are right on a wave that President Obama is trying to create himself. 
With the BBC getting involved, we may very well all get free rides on military aircraft to the Falklands as part of the TV program.  It would be good press for the military and would greatly add to the BBC's program too.  In fact, your BBC contact should hear about this idea because it would be a very inexpensive way for them to get their story, and at the same time, make the story even better.  In fact, I will write him with some of these ideas myself tonight because my brain has just started into a storm. 
You are doing a fantastic and professional job on your part.  It's very rare that I meet anyone who takes the ball or even runs with the team.  Most people will just sit and dream of great things just coming to them and when it comes time to work, they just want to drink a beer and watch the Boob Tube and that's it. 
Five percent of the people in the U.S. are millionaires.  That means that only five percent of the people will have good ideas that are worth anything and will pursue their ideas.  Just like I said a long time ago, there are three kinds of people in the world; People who make things happen: People who talk about making things happen: and People who don't know what's happening.  You are a person that makes things happen.
You are a friend of the Royal family.  Maybe they can't do anything on this event, but there are indeed people that they can do things on other events.  Like you said about Prince Andrew, he was the first to go into battle and the last to come out.  He fought like a Royal Example.  This in itself is newsworthy and was never covered in this way in any program that I have ever seen.  Instead, most people think that since he was such a notable man, that he would only go in to conflicts when there was very little or no danger, but it was actually the opposite with Prince Andrew. 
With our story, he may not be able to take part in going to the Falklands, but he sure can give an interview and even mention you in the Gulf War since you both were on the same crew.  This is noteworthy and can give great feedback all the way around.
My mom loves the Queen.  She said that Queen Elizabeth would drive trucks and jeeps in the war delivering supplies to parts of the city that were bombed out.  You know the Queen yourself and have been invited to a ball in the Palace in 2007.  This is significant!  This is a notable occasion. 
With all of the great things that Princess Diana has done, Prince Andrew's efforts and the efforts of the Queen in times in great need, there is a lineage in their efforts that should be known and it will all fit in with your story, "When Enemies Become Friends".  You too are part of this never ending lineage of noteworthy English Citizens and this is newsworthy, worldwide.  You are on a mission from God himself because of your good intent.  This is why we met and this is why I want to be part of this mission and meet Mariano myself.  I too would like to meet the Queen because of all the good things that my mom has told me about her.  I would like to meet Prince Andrew because of his willingness to put his life on the line at a moments notice in the line of duty.  I would also like to meet you for all of your efforts because you are a person that is worth meeting by this disabled veteran.
Thank you very, very much for all of your tremendous efforts and your friendship,


A Poem called Choices, sent to me from my friend Blaire

The answers to our future are the choices of our past
Some wading through life others just living too fast
You can believe in fate are you surrounded by love
Or are you driven by hate and there may come a time when you are forced to choose
Between nothing to gain and everything to lose
You can turn to your faith but you can expect a miracle
When times get too tough you can search for the truth
Or you can settle for lies but stand your ground with no fear in your eyes
When it comes to my future I believe in life after death
So I will feel no remorse when I take my last breath 

By John Gillespie Magee, Jr.

Oh, I Have slipped the surly bonds of earth
And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings;
Sunward I've climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth
of sun-split clouds ~ and done a hundred things
you have not dreamed of ~ wheeled and soared and swung.
High in the sunlit silence. Hov'ring there,
I've chased the shouting wind along, and flung
my eager craft through the footless halls of air.
Up, up the long, delirious, burning blue
I've topped the windswept heights with easy grace
where never lark, nor even eagle flew.
And, while with silent, lifting mind I've trod
The high untrespassed sanctity of space,
Put out my hand, and touched the face of


John McGee, aged 19yrs.
Canadian Fighter Pilot
Killed in combat. Battle of Britain 1940


Cars Motorcycles Airplanes Spacecraft Tanks


Family Learning begins here.

The following steps were the results of a multi year experiment that I have done with kids in a program that I called Y-I-BET on the Youth Of America.   By completing the following Five steps and repeating this procedure twice a year,  you will have completed a yearly  intensive Aviation and Technology training course which will be extremely beneficial to you and especially your kids.
If we want a good future, we must teach future leaders good things.  Click here to see all about the Y-I-BET Experiment with lots of pictures of the Kids in action
1. Go to Church Look at the Religion Page
2.  Watch an Airplane Movie. Aviation Movie List.
3.  Build an Airplane Model. Aircraft Model List. 
4.  Visit an Air Show. Air Shows List.
5.  Read a Book. Airplane Book List.
6.  Use an Aviation Calendar. Survival Equipment - Survival Supplies.

Click Here to see Airplane Museums in the United States.
The Worlds Most Complete List.

Young Eagles   Every Kid needs to look at this page.  If you want to have Fun and Adventure too. you need to see the Young Eagles. 

With the above, you have just completed an intensive, 
super exciting, course on Aviation and Technology.

Keep looking below to see more at the Yellow Airplane Store.


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Green Chimneys, a Similar Program



Working with people is what we all need to do.  Every man is a man regardless of where he grew up and what he was taught.  Every woman is a person too, no matter where they have come from or what they were also taught. 

When we think about what our kids are being taught today, what kind of society are we going to have when they become men and women and start running our country and the world.  Every adult has the responsibility to set a good example to every kid and every person no matter where they were born or where they have come from.   The Golden Rule is to Treat Everyone as if You Would Have Them Treat You.  We are all created equal and we must treat everyone as an equal too. 

Take a look at our TV sets today.  Listen to the music that our kids are listening to today.  Almost nothing is moral or educational.  In fact, most programs and songs teach disrespect, hate, drugs, murder, violence, and sexual immortality.   On the streets there is violence, danger and drugs.  Education is being taught as being "un-cool"  and being cool is to be a foul mouth tough guy and totally messed up on drugs.  This is all negative feedback being pushed onto our society by both inside and outside forces plus copycats who are making money or just trying to be someone cool themselves. 

We have our troops fighting terrorism overseas, but how are we fighting terrorism right here in the United States?  It's sort of like how are going to get the splinter out of someone else's eye, when we can't even get the log out of our own eye!  We need to start fighting the violence right here in America.  We need to fight the drugs and everything that is causing our problems right here at home.  This is why the Y-I-BET on the Youth of America Program was formed.

However, when I took a course in fire fighting in the US Navy, they said don't spray the flames, spray the source of the fire.  Our police are seeing a higher and higher crime rate in the country and they are doing everything that they can do to stop the crime and to protect all people.  Even though their job is a necessary part of stopping crime, they are only spraying the flames but missing the source of the fire.  The source of the fire is what we are teaching our kids.  The negative feedback that our TV and Radio are showing to our kids is the programming of their minds and the condensation nuclei which will generates the way that they will react to any situation and with the formation of their overall ideology.  It is important to teach our kids not to have a foul mouth: To have education and technology as a hobby:  and to do your fair share of work through both physical effort and an educational effort.  Work on yourself harder than you do the money, as Ed Beckley once put it.  But this works on all parts of your life, not just money. 

With the Y-I-BET Program we are spraying our fire hoses directly at the flames.  We are replacing the street education with ideas of learning by doing things.  We go to Air Shows, Races, Airports, Military Bases, Museums or just for a walk through the country.   We have found that it's not only the kids that need trained, the parents need training too.  Education and self improvement must be a way of life being incorporated into every form of our pleasures and entertainment.    Read through the following pages and look at what we have done throughout the years for the betterment of our people, community and country.   Thank you very much,  C. Jeff Dyrek, Webmaster.

  Other Links. 
 Boppa's Shop World Space Museum


or r Watch This TV Program to hear the latest on where our country is going.

Look at these exhibits and tell me what these men really fought for.
the 34th fighter Squadron

USS Kitty Hawk

About the Webmaster, Why God Send Me to the North Pole

  Some other Exhibits on this Website are listed below 

183rd Air National Guard Crash Crew

F-4 Phantom

Cross Country Skiing Geographic North Pole

Crossing an Open Water Lead on the Geographic North Pole

GPS reading on the Geographic North Pole

Flight Deck of the USS Kitty Hawk

F-14 Tomcat Picture, VF-114 the Flying Aardvarks

L-39 Albatross Picture, Quad Cities Air Show

Picture of the B-24 Production Line in World War 2

Fighter Aircraft Video Index

Survival Equipment Camping Gear

Wright Brothers Books and Stuff

F4F Wildcat Airplane Models

kids build F-16 models before visiting the 183rd Fighter Squadron.

A-7 Corsair II over Niagara Falls

Snowmobile trip to Barentsberg, Svalbard, Norway

Chuck Robert S1-S Pitts Aerobatic Airplane

The City of Khatanga in Northern Siberia

Ski Team Travels to the North Pole - Exhibit

Pictures of a WW2 Gun Camera or Camera Gun, Can you tell me about this gun.

Youth groups Visit the Bloomington Air Show.

Y-I-BET Youth Innovative Business Environment Training

Where do you find Air Shows and see Air Show Schedules

   2008 Survival Equipment - Survival Supplies are IN, Aircraft Calendars with Beautiful Airplane Pictures.

Contact us to join a North Pole Vacation

Picture of a F-14 Tomcat breaking the sound barrier.

Wright Brothers 3 Stuff, Books, Videos, DVD Movies, Models.

Hawker Sea Fury MK-11 Warbird

Take an Action Adventure Ski Vacation to the North Pole.

Dog Kennel picture on the arctic island of Spitsbergen.

A-7 Corsair II Fighter Jets in Action, Pictures, Photos.

This Vought A7 Corsair II is ready for display

Alpha Jet, 20 years in the Belgian Air Force.  Online Museum Exhibit Home Page.

Christopher Pala Scuba Diving under the North Pole Photo, Ice Diving.

Geographic North Pole 2001 Expedition Exhibit Photos, Pictures.

Polland to Pullman, Immigration to the United States.

Short Straw a great story of the F4U Corsair in the Korean War.

Siamak Hatami an Iranian Explorer.

Ed Guilliams Story   SFG 89

Yuliya's Shop Khatanga Siberia

Skydiving on the North Pole

Yankee Station, Tonkin Gulf, North Viet Nam

F-4 Phantom and A-5 Vigilante

Vought A-7 Corsair Ready for Paint

Christopher Pala on the North Pole, Ham Radio

Japanese Betty Bombers in WW2

Jim Walker Betty Bombers in WW2

The Island Next to Ie Shima

Aircraft Operations Before Flight in WW2

34th Fighter Squadron Command Structure

South Pole Expedition with Curtis Lieber

Siamak Hatami on Mt. Damavand

Engine Cowling Supports on the P51 Diagrams

North Pole Marathon of 2003 founder

Gee Bee Model D Sportster - Yellow Airplane

Picture, Japanese Surrender Delegation land on Ie Shima, WW2.

Professional Skiers cross a pressure ridge on the North Pole.

An Arctic Ocean View from Svalbard.

Lockheed F-80 Shooting Star Jet Fighter pictures

A-1 Skyraider Aircraft Models, Kits and Die Cast Display Models.

Soldiers Learn to Shoot 1 Flamethrower at Bluethenthal Field, North Carolina,  World War Two

One Vigilante and three Phantoms

Y-I-BET, The Swiss Family Guilliams Success Program.

Russian apartment in Barentsberg.

Vought A-7 Corsair II, APQ-116 Radar

Y-I-BET on the Youth of America, kids take a close up look at the crash truck

Libby gets ready for a Young Eagles flight

This is one beautiful helicopter picture at Borneo Base on the North Pole

Picture of our group  in front of a Russian An-12 Cub Transport Airplane on Sredney Island.

The Pitts Flying Model Airplane

Click Here's a Picture of a 5 inch gun on the USS Sample, FF 1048

Japanese WW2 Aviation Art Naval Parachute Troop Rushing into the Enemy Camp

A young girl learns about her future at the Quad Cities Airshow.

A Photo F-16 Falcon Fighter Jet from the 183rd Fighter Squadron

Secret P-47 Thunderbolt Radar system

The Ordnance Section is Loading Missiles for their Thunderbolts

Republic F-84 Thunderjet Jet Fighters on Deck

Jim Walker in the United States Navy, WW2 Veteran.

P-47 Thunderbolt Squadron

A true story about Beaver Dams

Japanese Surrender under a Betty Bomber, World War 2 Historic Photo, Japan's Surrender from Chuck Pierce


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