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![]() Subject: The Truth about Cancer in our bodies. How to stop cancer cells.Cancer news from John Hopkins (Tema: noticias sobre el cancer del Hospital John Hopkins de los E.U.A) |
A Letter from Gladys in Panama. Traduccin libre al espaol en cada prrafo siguiendo al original en ingles. Subject: Cancer news from John Hopkins (Tema: noticias sobre el cancer del Hospital John Hopkins de los E.U.A)
1.- Every person has cancer cells in the body. These cancer cells do not
show up in the standard tests until they have multiplied to a few
From the Webmaster, Dear Gladys, Thank you very much for your article, this was very interesting. This explains why older people get cancer more than younger people. The older people have a higher chance to collect toxins and with their lower exercise levels, bring less oxygen into their bodies. Click Here's an interesting thing about the acids that build up in your body. Years ago I used to run about five miles a day. I started drinking a lot of orange juice because the TV kept saying that drinking a lot of orange juice would be very beneficial for my health. When I ran several miles, I started having severe cramps in my legs. If I didn't immediately stop running, the cramp would become so bad that it would actually pull a muscle in my leg to where it took me almost a month before I could run again. This kept going on and on and I couldn't understand why I couldn't run the full five miles anymore and couldn't get past a certain distance point. Now that time has gone by, I started on the orange juice again and so did my mom. She would have severe cramps in the middle of the night and couldn't sleep. It was very hard on her. One day I put two and two together and realized that it was the orange juice and the excess body acid. I remembered an article that I read about why our bodies would feel tired after hard mountain climbing. The muscles became tired from a build-up of Lactic acid produced as a waste product in our blood. When a person exercised regularly, their bodies got rid of this acid more readily and they were able to climb longer without muscle weakness. The orange juice added to the acids in our bodies and caused my leg cramps and my mom's night time cramps too. When we stopped the orange juice as a regular drink with our meals, the cramps went away. After this, I was wondering how many people had heart attacks due to ACID Attacks. Do people who have higher acid levels in their blood have a higher rate of heart attacks? In your article, you also talk about the sugar and caffeine. I've been watching this too. One day while I was at my friends house, she said watch this. Her little girl was the sweetest, most well behaved little that I have ever met. She then gave her little girl just one piece of candy and in a short while the little girl started running around the house with nothing to do and started whining and crying and screaming. Doctors give drugs like Ritalin to the kids and call it Attention Deficit Disorders. But, were the attention deficit disorders caused by excessive sugar, or caffeine drinks like sodas or chocolate? Probably so. When I was in the Navy I took a course in fire fighting. The instructor said to spray the water on the source of the fire, not the flames. Well this is what doctors are doing, they are spraying the flames and not the source. I was listening to a Representative from the American Medical Association talking on TV. He said that they were there to relieve the symptoms, not stop the disease. This is spraying the flames, not the source of the fire. Doctors make money when you are sick and they have repeat business. They do not want you to get well, just to feel better. Drug companies make money when they sell drugs that make you feel better, and they have a lifetime of repeat business, not when they cure the problem. All of these people are in business to make money. The same goes for lawyers, if they stopped crime, the entire industry would be out of business. Remember that word, industry. Industry does not want to go out of business, they want to increase their profits. Gas companies do not want high mileage cars. Doctors do not want you to be well. Lawyers do not want to stop crime. Governments do not want to stop war. All of these things are fueled by BIG INDUSTRY making BIG MONEY. About plastic containers and plastic pipes in your house. Your article talks about Dioxins. Again I remember running. This was before I would have the orange juice and the cramps. I could run all day long and have no problems. I would run for several miles after work and stop at a park and drink out of their drinking fountain. The water had a long way to flow before it reached the water fountain. When I would take a drink I would notice a plastic taste, a real strong plastic taste out of the fountain. I stopped drinking there. Years later I started drinking distilled water out of plastic bottles. I also noticed the plastic taste there too. The distilled water would absorb the plastics out of the container much more readily than the regular water would. I always wondered about this plastic taste and I stopped drinking the distilled water for this reason. But I still drink sodas and just about everything from plastic containers. What are these plastics doing to our bodies? They are making a fortune for doctors. A news item on TV the other day was talking about bottled water in the United States being only tap water and nothing special other than that. It also said that it takes twenty million barrels of oil per year to make these bottles for this water. That's a lot of money for the oil companies. The last comment about your article is that Anger, forgiveness and bitterness puts the body into a stressful and acidic environment. I don't know about your TV in Panama, but American TV and Music is almost always murder, hate, sex, drugs, violence and Kill, Kill, Kill. The news always talks about everything that is going wrong and all of the wars. This is high stress. Lawyers are making tons of money from this. Doctors are making tons of money from this. Privatized prisons are making tons of money from this. Weapons manufacturers are making tons of money from all of this. They are all making money and we are paying for it. America calls it freedom of speech, yet if you quote a kids cartoon to a little kid, you can be put into prison. Two days ago I talked to a very nice black gentleman who's dad was the chief of police of a major U.S. city. When I talked to him at work, he was super respectful. However, when I talked to him in his house, every sentence started with F. this or F. that. He was not a nice person. Deep inside his soul was filth and it was pouring out of his mouth like the TV programs that are pouring the F words into our kids heads. It's the devil and America calls it Freedom of Speech. Thank you very much for your letter, it has taught me a lot and has put together many of the ideas that I have been thinking about for a long time. Everyone is making money and the love for money is the root of all evil. Jeff Dyrek, Webmaster
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Look at these exhibits and tell me what these men really fought for. Read the Webmasters Story, "Why God Sent Me to the North Pole." You will Be Surprised.
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Who is really a Hero?
They didn't fight so America can be a haven for the filthy.
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