Adventure travel takes you scuba diving on the north pole

All New Jet Fighter Flight Simulator Game, Falklands War Jet Aircraft, from Thunder Works.  Todos los nuevos aviones de combate Simulador de Juego, Guerra de las Malvinas Jet Aircraft, de Thunder Works.         

Picture of Pablo Carballo, Jet Fighter Pilot from Argentina
An all New Jet Fighter Flight Simulator Game of the Falklands War with many Jet Aircraft, ground vehicles and Artificial Intelligence flight, from Thunder Works.  Thunder Works is a newly formed company focused in real time simulation technology, content creation and media for real time applications and complete solutions for simulation training or interactive entertainment.

Un nuevo jet de combate todos Simulador de Juego de la Guerra de las Malvinas con muchos Jet aeronaves, vehculos terrestres y de vuelo de Inteligencia Artificial, de Thunder Works. Tormenta Works es una empresa recin creada se centr en la tecnologa de simulacin en tiempo real, creacin de contenidos y medios de comunicacin para aplicaciones en tiempo real y soluciones completas para la formacin de simulacin o de entretenimiento interactivo.

Look at other Jet Fighter and Flight Simulator Games Here

   This is a NEW Jet Fighter Flight Simulator Game that is In Production.   
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Falklands Exhibit Index - Malvinas ndice Exposicin

ENEMY CONTACT, The Movie being made about Neil Wilkinson and the Falklands War "ENEMY CONTACTO" Contacto con el enemigo, la pelcula que hizo sobre Neil Wilkinson y la Guerra de las Malvinas
San Carlos Hilton  a New Stage Play on the Falklands War Nueva Obra de teatro "San Carlos Hilton" sobre la Guerra de las Malvinas
A New Falklands War Jet Fighter Simulatorr A las Malvinas Jet Fighter Nueva Simulador

A New book about the Final Days of the HMS Intrepid

Un libro sobre los ltimos das de la HMS Intrepid

New Falklands War, Malvinas Art Paintings

Guerra de las Malvinas, Islas Malvinas Art Paintings
Model of Mariano's Airplane, professionally built Profesionalmente construir Modelo de avin de Mariano
About The Wilkinsons Acerca de The Wilkinsons
Pablo Carballo Argentine A-4 Skyhawk Pilot Pablo  Carballo piloto argentino A-4 Skyhawk t

Aircraft of the Falklands War

Aviones de la Guerra de las Malvinas

British & Argentinean Ships of the Falklands War

Los buques britnicos y argentinos de la Guerra de las Malvinas

The End of the Falklands - Malvinas  War

El fin de las Malvinas - Guerra de Malvinas

Falkland Islands, Malvinas War Books

Islas Malvinas, la guerra de Malvinas Libros

Free Videos of the Falklands, Malvinas War

Videos Gratis de las Malvinas, la guerra de Malvinas

Maps of the Falkland Islands

Mapas de las Islas Malvinas

The HMS Brazen

El HMS Brazen



on blue outlined Pictures Below for Much Larger Views

Argentinean A-4 Skyhawk flys over the Falkand - Malvinas Islands

The A-4 Skyhawk jet fighter screenshot from the Thunder Works company.  


A-4 Skyhawk Pilot Pablo Carballo from Argentina
This is an A-4 Skyhawk and Pilot Pablo Carballo from Argintina.
 Click Here to see Pablo Carballo's War Pictures. 


A4 Skyhawks fly in the Falklands - Malvinas War, viewed in the flight simulator gameTechnicians model a British ship for their aircraft flight simulator gameA view of the low level terrain detail over the Falklands, Malvinas Islands

Different scenes from the Thunder Works flight simulator showing pictures from their beautiful graphics engine.


HMS Fearless being modeled in the Thunder Works flight simulator

This is the Thunder Works model of the HMS Fearless without any of the mapped graphics.  This model is under development in this picture. 




Argentinean Television program about the new computer program from Thunder Works which focuses on the Falklands war.   Thunder Works, a home grown company in Argentina produces a flight simulator that uses true flight physics modeling giving the airplane true aerodynamic flight characteristics. 





29 Second Clip of a Harrier aircraft in flight over the Falklands town of Port Stanley. and over some camps. 

From the producer of this new Flight Sim Program:

Jet Thunder" is a flight simulator in development, with a proprietary engine, being entirely developed by myself and my friends in our spare time. It's focused on the air war in the 1982 South Atlantic Conflict (Falklands War in English and Guerra de Malvinas en espaol) and at the moment it features complex engine simulation and aerodynamics, advanced avionics (HUD graphics, radar display with sweep and clutter effects) and of course a fully modeled 3D cockpit enabling Track IR 6DOF viewing. The whole combat part is undergoing a major refactoring, so lets stay now with just the 'free flight' bits which I think are getting quite complete.  But, the demo plane is the Sea Harrier.


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rs=&ref%5F=sr%5Fnr%5Fi%5F1&keywords=falkland1228804460falklandstripbooks1789390957">about the Falkland Islands




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Useful Links
Game Spot Flight Simulator X Pictures
Sporty's Pilot Shop Throttle Quadrants for Flight Simulator
MathWorks Flight Simulator Interface
Google Earth Flight Simulator Keyboard Controls
Flight Simulator Joysticks, Yoke and Combat Simulator Game Accessories
Real Flight, RC Flight Simulator with Combat Events
Flyaway Simulation Flight Simulator Scenery, Military Jets, and Flight Simulator Game Downloads
Flight Simulator Game on Wikipedia
FlightSim News for Flight Simulators
FlightGear for the Flight Simulator
Microsoft Flight Simulator X

Argentina - Great Britain 1982 War for the Falkland (Malvinas) Islands
HMS Coventry D118
Air War in the Falklands

Ships of the Falkland Islands War.


  See Roberto Perz Dominguez and his Aircraft Model Collection
Ver Roberto Perz Domnguez y su Coleccin de Aviones de modelo



South Yorkshire Aircraft Museum

Falkland Islands Museum and National Trust

Visit the Official HMS Intrepid Website

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