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With Global Warming, the Trans Alaska Oil Pipeline is experiencing problems
the Oil Pipeline Support Stands, Snow Machines may be the answer.
Click Here for the Global Warming and Global Climate Change Index
Global Warming and the Melting Permafrost, The Trans Alaska Oil Pipeline is sinking, Snow Machines may be the answer.In one series of articles that I read, they
talked about the Trans Alaskan Pipeline, the melting permafrost in
Alaska is a near future problem for the stability of the support
platforms. Because of the melting permafrost was going to
cause a sinking of the pipe, it will to make it necessary to replace
many of the supports with even deeper support stands. The cost of
replacing even one of the Freezer Post Supports was said to be about
85,000. Here's an idea that could be incredibly cheaper and
beneficial in many other ways at the same time.
These machines would use existing permafrost melt water which forms into tens of thousands of heat absorbing ponds throughout the permafrost area. The snow machines would drain the heat absorbing ponds, and at the same time place a reflective white layer of snow over the pipeline's supports. The machines would then service a triple service of Reducing the heat absorbing permafrost melt water ponds, Increase the reflectivity of the tundra, and keep the trans Alaska Oil Pipeline Supports from needing replaced. 85,000 could make a whole lot of snow. When you add the number of Alaskan Pipeline Support Stands together, this will add up to be a tremendous amount of money.
Support Stands hold the heated Trans Alaska Oil Pipeline up off of the Permafrost so they, themselves, will not melt the Alaskan permafrost and cause pipeline instability.
Before Snow Machine Treatment
After Snow Machine Treatment Look at the huge number of support stands that are used to actually support this very short section of pipeline. The Access road would make a perfect place to set up a snow generator machine to spray the white reflective and insulating snow over the support stands and nearby field.
As the Trans Alaskan Oil Pipeline goes under ground and under the road, these Ammonia filled refrigerator units and sunk into the permafrost to keep it permafrost.
Click Here's a close-up picture of the Cooling units used to keep the permafrost frozen. If we could keep these units operational, without replacement for even a couple of more years, we could save billions of dollars in replacement cost. Read more at the Alaskan Expedition of 2006 Exhibit
Title: greenhouse environmental management
Description: the
green house provides businesses with tailored
management programs to minimize their waste output and costs
The Above Video talks about how to cool your roof.
The same thing works for Driveways.
Using Asphalt driveways really collect the heat. The black tar, in fact,
heat faster than any other color. There is driveway paint which can not
cool your driveway, but it can make it last a whole lot longer. Using a
concrete driveway also creates a much more highly reflective surface
and can also help our world and your own energy savings over the asphalt
Look at these links to learn the entire story |
Watch this video and see what Methane and the decay of the Arctic Tundra
can do.
Global Warming from Permafrost Melt. This is great.
Read the Webmasters Story, "Why God Sent Me to the North Pole." You will Be Surprised.
Один Краткосрочные решения для воздействия на вечной мерзлоте
Транс-Аляска Проблемы нефтепровода
Einn Short Term Lausn fyrir hrifum sfrera
Trans Alaska Ola leisla Vandaml
En kortsiktig lsning for effekten av permafrosten p
Trans Alaska oljerrledning Problemer
En kortsiktig lsning fr effekterna av permafrosten p
Trans Alaska pipeline problem
Yksi lyhyen aikavlin ratkaisu ja vaikutukset ikirouta on
Trans Alaska ljyputki ongelmat
एक पर permafrost के प्रभाव के लिए लघु अवधि के समाधान
ट्रांस अलास्का तेल पाइपलाइन समस्याएं
یک راه حل کوتاه مدت برای اثر یخبندان دائمی در
ترانس نفت آلاسکا مشکل خط لوله
Bir Permafrost Etkileri Kısa Vadeli zm
Trans-Alaska Petrol Boru Hattı Sorunları
Μια βραχυπρόθεσμη λύση για τις επιπτώσεις της για το
Trans Αλάσκα Προβλήματα Αγωγού Πετρελαίου
Une solution court terme pour les effets du perglisol sur
Trans Alaska problmes de canalisations de ptrole
2-6-2012 3589
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