B-29 Superfortress "Hog Wild" Flight over North Korea, Search for North Korea's Nuclear Weapons Program. The true story of the DPRK North Korean Atomic Bomb Program which started in WW2.Полёт “Дикого Зверя” |
![]() Look Here for the Latest information on the Official North Korean Nuclear Weapons Programs |
By Bill Streifer and Irek Sabitov. History of North Korea's Atomic Bomb Program and the DPRK Nuclear
Weapons Program. Plus, the history of flights to support our soldiers, POW's
in North Korea. North Koreas Atomic Bomb is real and it has been
started by the research from the Japanese Government in World War 2. Flight of
the B-29 Superfortress which was shot down over Konan in 1945. Доказательства в Северной Корее атомной бомбы и химических боевых возможностей. Плюс, история полеты, чтобы поддержать наших военнослужащих, военнопленных в Северной Корее. Северная Корей атомная бомба может быть реальной и, возможно, он приступил к исследованиям с правительством Японии в мировой войны 2. Полет на B-29 сверхмощная который был сбит над Конана в 1945 году. Ирек Сабитов Pruebas de Corea del Norte de la Bomba Atmica y de las Armas Qumicas Capacidades. Adems, la historia de los vuelos de apoyo a nuestros soldados, prisioneros de guerra en Corea del Norte. Bomba Atmica de Corea del Norte puede ser real y es posible que haya sido iniciado por la investigacin del Gobierno del Japn en la Primera Guerra Mundial 2. Read about the city of Ufa Russia, home of co-author Irek Sabitov |
From the Webmaster: As the research into Japan's Nuclear Weapons goes on, it turns out that the research has moved into becoming the long history of North Koreas Nuclear Weapons program. Bill Streifer is a master researcher who spends every day, all day, doing research on this historic North Korean (DPRK) Nuclear Weapons program which until now was thought to have never existed until a few years ago. However, it turns out that Nuclear Weapons have been under development, in North Korea, since the late 1930's. Bill Streifer has made tremendous discoveries, Now including a five thousand word question and answer paper from a North Korean defector, along with maps that have never been revealed before. I have spoken with Bill on an almost daily basis since 2008 and he not only researches his work, but he gets official documents through the freedom of information act from agencies like the OSS. Bill is working directly with Irek Sabitov from Ufa Russia in the production of his new book, the Flight of the Hog Wild. Bill has about four hundred consultants that have contributed to his research efforts. Truly Amazing. C. Jeff Dyrek, Webmaster. Click on Pictures Below for Much Larger Views
Shimatsu - Proof
Of Fukushima Weapons Program Fukushima’s Long Link to a Dark Nuclear Past
Japan's First Atomic Bomb was exploded two days after Hiroshima. B-29
Superfortress Books
Superfortress Art More about the Hog Wild from the Author
Click Here for the Official Home Page of the Hog Wild B-29
Superfortress over
A Brief Bio of the Authors
In the Magazine on the left, Bill Streifer was one of the article writers as he has done in a number of other magazines. Irek Darvishevich Sabitov (Ирек Сабитов) is a resident of Ufa , Bashkiria , South Urals , Russia . Mr. Sabitov is an editor of the Bashkir Regional Supplement of Trud-7, one of Russia ’s largest-circulation weekly Russian newspapers. His father, Lieut. Colonel Darvish Sabitov, took part in commanding an anti-aircraft artillery section in 1944-45 during WWII. |
Professional References for the Book Sergei Khrushchev ,Nikita Khrushchevs son Igor D. Rostov , a Russian oceanographer Staff Sgt. Arthur Strilky ,a B-29 radio operator, and the last surviving member of the Hog Wild crew
Bruce Cumings , a Korean history scholar from the
University of Chicago Dixie Oliver Snell, the widow of David Snell (who wrote the first newspaper article to spark national attention in the Hog Wild in 1946) Marvin Makinen, arrested and imprisoned in the Soviet Union on charges of espionageFrederick Pryor, arrested and imprisoned in East Germany on charges of espionage Irek Sabitov, my Russian co-author, and the editor of a Russian weekly newspaper |
From the Webmaster: I told Bill that the
B-29 would never be used for a recon aircraft because it was so huge and
that the fighters could
easily catch it. But, I have spoken to a B-29 Crew Chief who said that
one of the planes that he was working on was
specifically set up for recon missions in the Pacific. The difference
is that in the European Theater, everything in the war was
much closer, but in the Pacific Theater, all of he targets were really far
away. Also, I was thinking about the size of the B-29, but
it was also a very advanced aircraft with light years of technology above
B-24 Liberator
B-17 Flying Fortress making the B-29 Superfortress
much faster and higher flying. I believe that the speed of the
B-29 Superfortress
was about 375 mph and it could easily cruise above
35,000 feet. Many of the
Japanese Zeros
couldnt even fly that high and with any of the fighters of its time, they
werent much
faster. By the time they scrambled the fighters and tried to climb to
catch the B-29, the Superfortress was long gone and out of
Sight. So this plane was indeed used in the recon missions.
The question is who negotiated the release of the prisoners in the
Konan Prison Camp.
The General was a big man with a revolver with a ivory white handle.
Was the man
General George Patton who may have come all the way from Europe, or was it
MacArthur who also wore a revolver with a white handle. Whoever it
was, he had a
lot of influence on the situation. The research is still continuing by
Bill and Irek, Authors of this book.
Read more about the Hog Wild B-29 Superfortress incident here
This is testimony by a North Korean defector to the U.S. Senate in 1997. It mentions the "February 8" Vinalon Factory in Hamhung (see below). I have attached a photograph of the "February 8" Vinalon Factory in Hamhung from a 1973 North Korean postcard that I purchased from a german (I think) on ebay. By the way, "mustard gas" (the stuff I believe the Allied POWs were forced to manufacture in the carbide furnaces near Hungnam) is a "blister gas" (see below). Now things are getting interesting (and dangerous?) Bill PREPARED STATEMENT OF I am Choi Ju-hwal, I served in the Ministry of
Peoples Army
from North Korea is currently producing various kinds of poison
Both a B-29 Pilot and an SR-71 Pilot. Look for the Video, Frozen in Time to see this pilot in a special documentary. |
Read more about the Hog Wild B-29 Superfortress incident here
Part of the Transcript from an Iowa Public Television interview with the Radio Operator of the Hog Wild, Eugene Harwood. 03:08:52:24 [00:04] Harwood, H-a-r-w-o-o-d. 03:08:56:14 03:08:56:14 [00:04] What was your position on the plane?03:09:00:00 [00:04] I was a navigator. 03:09:03:29 [00:29] So to speak I knew just where we were at and what altitude to fly at and once we got within 500 miles of Japan I told the crew that we're going to altitude, climbing altitude and I woke up the bombardier.03:09:40:06 [00:04] Tell me about one of your missions. 03:09:43:2203:09:43:22 [00:50] One of our missions was a mission to North Korea to drop the supplies on a British POW camp, Japanese. The British were confined there, they all got captured in Singapore so we had ten thousand pounds of supplies for them and we got over there to the camp and we circled and didn't see it. So, we went again and we saw four fighter planes and knew they weren't Japanese, we knew they were Russians. 03:10:33:07 [00:41] So, the pilot asked me if we were heading back to Iwo Jima and I gave him a heading and we headed out and we got about 25 miles out and two planes behind us just followed us. They were just breaking the airplane with canon fire and both engines, I could see both engines, one and two, I was looking out that little window there and both of them were on fire as far back as we could see.03:11:14:03 [00:24] They finally told us to bail out, we were only at 600 feet and we aren't supposed to bail out but I was the first one out. Six of us bailed out and the others crash landed on shore. We spent about a month in the camp living there until they came up after us. 03:11:38:13 [00:01] So, you were actually a POW?03:11:39:27 [00:04] Yeah, so to speak. 03:11:43:27 [00:03] Was that your first mission?03:11:47:01 [00:03] No, that was 13th. 03:11:50:01 [00:05] So, you actually, you didn't go down with the plane but you had to bail out?03:11:54:16 [00:40] Yeah, we were just lucky as hell to get out. There's some Sampan's, Sampan fishing boats going back into shore because it was real stormy and they were going that way and picked up all of us. It was pretty hairy and we wouldn't have last another hour. The water up there is awful cold, it's just south of ???, Siberia and that water is cold. 03:12:42:03 [00:18] When you saw the plane sitting here what did you think?03:12:59:20 [00:39] I'm just glad I don't have to go back up in it. I enjoyed it dearly but I tell you, we lost ten percent of our crew members in training in Florida. We had three crews of officers upstairs and three crews down and we left and there was only one left alive upstairs and two crews downstairs, the rest of them were dead, just in training. So, we were glad to get out of there and then we went overseas and felt better about it. 03:13:38:29 [00:05] Seeing the plane like this, does it bring back a lot of good memories? Bad memories?03:13:44:00 [00:17] Yeah, good and bad. I've got a lot of memories of it. Our airplane was hog wild, that was the name of it and it was wild alright. 03:14:01:00 [00:03] The name of your airplane was Hog Wild? 03:14:04:00 [00:02] Yeah.03:14:05:16 [00:01] That was the one that got shot down? 03:14:07:00 [00:01] Yeah.03:14:08:00 [00:02] After you got shot down did you get sent home? 03:14:10:00 [01:22] No, we stayed in this POW camp for a month or so and then they flew a C-47 came up and picked us up and took us down to Seoul, Korea and every other Japanese was allowed to keep a firearm because they were afraid the Koreans would kill them. But every other one, when we landed at Kaijou airport at Seoul they lined up about 25 fighters there, they had the propeller, they had to take the propellers off an then we went in and they treated us like royalty. We went into this hotel and it was general officers only and they interrogated, we were in there for two days and then we went back over to Japan and we went back over to Kawasaki and got bombed out and we landed there on Japanese...Bob Neymeyer at the Grout museum in Waterloo organized the B-29 fly in and would probably have an address for all of the veterans that were in attendance at the event. He may have also done his own interview with Eugene. I believe the Waterloo paper did at least one story on the B-29 crews. Bill is co-authoring a paper and might be able to give you more information. If you are interested I can give you his contact information. From: Chris Gourley |
WW2 Russian Invasion Map Konan, North Korea
Is this a picture of Bill? It kind of looks like him though.
Isreal Air Force Model Airplanes
Read more about the Hog Wild B-29 Superfortress incident here
VJ Day, Honolulu Hawaii, August 14, 1945 from
Richard Sullivan on
Vimeo. 65 Years Ago my Dad shot this film along Kalakaua Ave. in Waikiki capturing spontaneous celebrations that broke out upon first hearing news of the Japanese surrender.
The Auction for this transcript was held on January 14, 2010 Jeff, Here's a photo of Ufa in 1910 and Irek Sabitov (recently). Also, the cover of the Gary Powers U-2 Trial transcript that I own, which was taken from the trash of a Soviet military library in the early 1970's by Irek's father, and passed to his son, Irek, before he died. The transcript was prepared for publication and printed August 17-19, 1962, just days after the trial ended. All American editions, such as the book "The Trial of the U2," were derived from the version I own.TRANSLATION: The legal proceedings on the criminal case of an American pilot-spy Francis G. PowersBill
Actual Cover of the transcripts from the Gary Francis Powers Trial in Russia.
Lt. Col. R.D. White the navigator of the C-46
that was sent to repair the Hog Wild.
During WWII, radio receivers and silk maps were hidden inside of cribbage boards, playing cards and baseballs, and then delivered by the Red Cross (American Red Cross or the ICRC) into German POW camps. Does anyone know the frequency which the radio receivers operated, and if the messages were sent in code, how did the POWs know how decode the messages? For that matter, how did the POWs know there were items secretly hidden in these games of chance without breaking them open? And why would they break them open unless they knew what was inside in advance? Also, does anyone know if a similar scheme was employed in Japanese POW camps? If anyone knows about this, please send a letter to the webmaster below. Thank you, C. Jeff Dyrek. |
Do these NEW qualifications (Public Law 101-189 s.487
, enacted on November 29, 1989) for the POW Medal apply to the crew of
the Hog Wild? Bill is currently working on getting the POWs from the B-29 Hog Wild a POW service medal. Even though they were prisoners, they were held just after WW2. We think that they were still deserving of the POW medal. 578.23 National Defense Service Medal. 578.22 Prisoner of War Medal. (a) Criteria. The POW Medal is authorized by Public Law 99–145, 10 U.S.C. 1128, November 8, 1985, as amended by 10 U.S.C. 1128, November 29, 1989. It is authorized for any person who, while serving in any capacity with the U.S. Armed Forces, was taken prisoner and held captive after April 5, 1917. (1) The POW Medal is to be issued only to those U.S. military personnel and other personnel granted creditable U.S. military service, who were taken prisoner and held captive— (i) While engaged in an action against an enemy of the United States. (ii) While engaged in military operations involving conflict with an opposing foreign force. (iii) While serving with friendly forces engaged in an armed conflict against an opposing force in which the United States is not a belligerent party. (iv) By foreign armed forces that are hostile to the United States, under circumstances which the Secretary concerned finds to have been comparable to those under which persons have generally been held captive by enemy armed forces during periods of armed conflict. (2) U.S. and foreign civilians who have been credited with U.S. military service which encompasses the period of captivity are also eligible for the medal. The Secretary of Defense authorized on January 27, 1990, the POW Medal for the Philippine Commonwealth Army and Recognized Guerrilla Unit Veterans who were held captive between December 7, 1941, and September 26, 1945. DD Form 2510–1 (Prisoner of War Medal Application/Information-Philippine Commonwealth Army and Recognized Guerrilla Veterans) was developed as the application for Filipino Veterans who fit this category. (3) For purposes of this medal, past armed conflicts are defined as World War I, World War II, Korean War, Vietnam Conflict, Grenada, Panama, Persian Gulf War, and Somalia. Hostages of terrorists and persons detained by governments with which the United States is not engaged actively in armed conflict are not eligible for the medal. (4) Any person convicted of misconduct or a criminal charge by a U.S. military tribunal, or who receives a less than honorable discharge based upon actions while a prisoner of war, or whose conduct was not in accord with the Code of Conduct, and whose actions are documented by U.S. military records is ineligible for the medal. The Secretary of the Army is the authority for deciding eligibility in such cases. (5) No more than one POW Medal will be awarded. For subsequent award of the medal, service stars will be awarded and worn on the suspension and service ribbon of the medal. A period of captivity terminates on return to U.S. military control. Escapees who do not return to U.S. military control and are recaptured by an enemy do not begin a new period of captivity for subsequent award of the POW Medal. (Service stars are described in 578.61.) (6) The POW Medal may be awarded posthumously. (7) The primary next of kin of eligible prisoners of war who die in captivity may be issued the POW Medal regardless of the length of stay in captivity. (8) Personnel officially classified as Missing in Action (MIA) are not eligible for award of the POW Medal. The POW Medal will only be awarded when the individual's prisoner of war status has been officially confirmed and recognized as such by the DA. Likewise, the return of remains, in and of itself, does not constitute evidence of confirmed prisoner of war status. (b) Award of the POW Medal to active military personnel, veterans, retirees and their next of kin—(1) Active Military Personnel. Award of the POW Medal to military personnel in an active war will be processed by the Commander, USA HRC (see 578.3 (c)), after coordination with the Repatriation and Family Affairs Division. (2) Veterans, retirees and their next of kin. All
requests for the POW Medal will be initiated by eligible former POWs, or
their next of kin, using a personal letter or DD Form 2510 (Prisoner of
War Medal Application/ Information). Applications should be forwarded to
the NPRC (see 578.16(a)(3) for address). |
Read more about the Hog Wild B-29 Superfortress incident here
Click Here for North Pole Global Warming
Click Here's another Book
Review about a B-24 Pilot in WW2, Jessie Pettey,
One More Mission, A Journey from Childhood to War.
Click Here to go to the
YellowAirplane Online Museum
Zeno's Warbird Video Drive-in Great Warbird Videos |
Hog Wild Stories, Memories from those who were there
The Last Flight of the Hog Wild : The Japanese Nuclear Bomb Slipped Into the Hands of North Korea
Info pertaining to Z 28 "Hog Wild" 73rd BW
How short can a runway be to safely land a B-29 and take-off from again?
Research Assistants in Flight of the Hog Wild
Japanese nuclear weapon program
Japan must develop nuclear weapons, warns Tokyo governor
Japan atomic power defenders: keep ability to build nuclear weapons
Japan Should Have Nuclear Weapons: Ishihara
The Role of Nuclear Weapons: Japan, the U.S., and “Sole Purpose”
Japan 'should develop nuclear weapons' to counter North Korea threat
The History of North Koreas Nuclear Weapons Program, DPRK Weapons.
Look Here for the Latest information on the Official North Korean Nuclear Weapons Programs
Do Sang Rok, The Father of North Korea's nuclear weapons program by Bill Streifer.
New article published on the DC Bureau Website, National Security News Service Hungnam, North Korea: Delving into Poyongyang's Long Nuclear Past.
Go to the Official Hog Wild Website
The North Korean Atomic Bomb Program and Nuclear Weapons Program, DPRK, Official Website
OSS Society Journal. Strifer -OSS in Manchuria: Operation Cardinal.
Flight of the Hog Wild, What People are Saying.
The Gold Fish Club, Military Pilot Rescues at Sea in WW2
The Military Operation Cardinal
See C. Jeff Dyrek's YouTube Videos
Go to Yellow Airplane's own Online Museum
Incredible Bi-Plane Adventures" src="../images/q-biplane-125x300.gif" width="125" height="300">
Great White Shark Encounter from Incredible Adventures" src="../images/q-shark125x263.jpg" width="125" height="263"> |
Fun Flights in a WW2 Prop Fighter plane
Ride in a F-104 Starfighter, Jet Fighter Plane
Driving Adventures, Drive a real WW2 Army Tank
Different than the Wild Hogs or Hog Wild Motorcycles, this Hog Wild is the Wildest of all, a B-29 Superfortress WW2 Bomber Airplane.
Special Links to Bill Streifer
OSS in ManChuria: OPeratiOn CarDinal
Do Sang Rok – The father of North Korea’s nuclear weapon program?
Japan Tested Atomic Bomb in NK Before End of WWII?
POW Medal Consideration Question
Is This the Father of N. Korea's Nuclear Program?
SAALG, The flight of the Hog Wild
End the Korean War-of-Nerves and Reopen Talks
Bill Streifer: The 1986 space shuttle explosion shaped my life
Emmor Graham Martin who was a full Colonel with dark black hair and mustache taken in 1945
Did you go to Minden High School with David Snell?
Can photofission be used to transmutate Th-232 into U-233?
Help solve a WWII atomic bomb mystery...
Picture of the Day: Bombed Nitrogen Fertilizer Factory
Stringtown Internment Camp Map now Online
A small charge of dynamite was used to break up the ammonium nitrate
Purported Video of Kim Jong Il Commemorating Reopening of Suspected Chemical Weapons Plant
Tribute to Robert D. Cookson Sr. and B-29er's of the Marianas
David Snell (journalist): Wikis
Bill Striefer, Bill Streifer.
The Flight of the Hog Wild Dot Com.
Flight of the Hog Wild Dot Com.
All about the Enola Gay
B-29 Superfortress Models
All about the Atomic Bomb
Atomic Bomb Models
All about North Korea
Click Here for a list of WW2 Fighter Groups
Click Here to go to the YellowAirplane Online Museum
Dshmia e Kores s Veriut me bomba Atomike dhe luft kimike Aftsit. Plus, historia e fluturimeve pr t mbshtetur ushtart tan, e n POW Koreja e Veriut. North Koreas Atomic Bomb may be real and it may have been started by the research from the Japanese Government in World War 2. |
دليل لكوريا الشمالية القنبلة الذرية والكيميائية وقدرات الحرب. بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، تاريخ الرحلات لدعم جنودنا الأسرى في كوريا الشمالية. كوريا الشمالية القنبلة الذرية قد تكون حقيقية وربما تكون قد بدأت من خلال البحث من الحكومة اليابانية في الحرب العالمية (2). |
Доказателство за Северна Корея на атомна бомба и химическа война способности. Освен това, историята на полети в подкрепа на нашите войници, POW е в Северна Корея. Северна Koreas атомна бомба могат да бъдат реални и тя може да е започнал от изследвания от японското правителство през Втората световна война 2. |
Proves de Corea del Nord de la Bomba Atmica i de les Armes Qumiques Capacitats. A ms, la histria dels vols de suport als nostres soldats, presoners de guerra a Corea del Nord. Bomba Atmica de Corea del Nord pot ser real i s possible que s'hagi iniciat per la recerca del Govern del Jap a la Primera Guerra Mundial 2. |
证据表明朝鲜的原子弹和化学战能力。此外,航班的历史,以支持我们的士兵,战俘的在朝鲜。朝鲜原子弹爆炸可能是真正的,它可能已经开始了研究,日本政府在第二次世界大战。 |
證據表明朝鮮的原子彈和化學戰能力。此外,航班的歷史,以支持我們的士兵,戰俘的在朝鮮。朝鮮原子彈爆炸可能是真正的,它可能已經開始了研究,日本政府在第二次世界大戰。 |
Dokaz o North Korea's atomska bomba i kemijsko ratovanje sposobnosti. Plus, povijest letovi za potporu našim vojnicima, pow-a u Sjevernoj Koreji. Sjeverna Koreas atomska bomba svibanj biti stvarna i ona svibanj su počela istraživanja iz japanske vlade u World War 2. |
Doklady o severokorejsk atomov bomby a chemick vlka schopnostem. Plus, historii letů na podporu našich vojků, POW, v Severn Koreji. Severn Koreje atomov bomby mohou bt reln a je možn, že bylo zahjeno vzkumu od japonsk vldy v druh světov vlce 2. |
Beviser for Nordkoreas atombombe og kemisk krigsfrelse Capabilities. Plus, historien om flyvninger til at sttte vores soldater, POW's i Nordkorea. North Koreaer Atomic Bomb kan vre reel, og det kan have vret startet af forskning fra den japanske regering i Verdenskrig 2. |
Bewijs van Noord-Korea's Atomic Bomb and Chemical Warfare Capabilities. Plus, de geschiedenis van de vluchten naar ondersteuning van onze soldaten, POW's in Noord-Korea. Noord-Korea Atomic Bomb kan echt en het kan zijn begonnen met het onderzoek van de Japanse regering in WO 2. |
Tendid Phja-Korea Atomic Bomb ja Chemical warfare vimeid. Plus, ajalugu lende toetada meie sdurid, Pow on Phja-Korea. Phja-Korea Atomic Bomb vib reaalne ja ei pruugi veel alustatud uuringute phjal Jaapani valitsus maailmasja 2. |
Katibayan ng Hilagang Korea ng atomic bomba at kimikal digma Kakayahan. Plus, ang kasaysayan ng flight sa suporta sa aming mga sundalo, yukod's sa Hilagang Korea. North Koreas atomic bomba ay maaaring tunay at ito ay maaaring nagsimula sa pamamagitan ng pananaliksik mula sa Japanese Government sa World War 2. |
Todisteet Pohjois-Korean Atomic Bomb and Chemical Warfare Capabilities. Plus, historian lentojen tukemaan sotilaita, POW n Pohjois-Koreassa. Pohjois-Korean Atomic Bomb voi olla todellinen ja se on jo aloitettu, jonka tutkimuksen Japanin hallituksen World War 2. |
Preuve de la Core du Nord de la bombe atomique et des capacits de guerre chimique. De plus, l'histoire d'un vol l'appui de nos soldats, de prisonniers de guerre en Core du Nord. Core du Nord bombe atomique mai tre rel et mai, il a t commenc par la recherche du gouvernement japonais dans la guerre mondiale 2. |
Probas da Corea do Norte da bomb atom e Chemical Warfare capacidades. Plus, a historia dos voos para apoiar os nosos soldados, POW's na Corea do Norte. Coreias do Norte Atomic bomb pode ser real e que pode ter sido iniciado pola investigacin do goberno xapons en World War 2. |
Der Nachweis von Nordkorea die Atombombe und chemischen Kampfstoffen Fhigkeiten. Plus, die Geschichte der Flge zur Untersttzung unserer Soldaten, Kriegsgefangene in Nordkorea. Nord-Koreas Atomic Bomb knnen reale und es wurde durch die Forschung von der japanischen Regierung im 2. Weltkrieg. |
Αποδεικτικά στοιχεία της Βόρειας Κορέας και της Atomic Bomb χημικού πολέμου Δυνατοτήτων. Πλέον, η ιστορία των πτήσεων για την υποστήριξη τους στρατιώτες μας, POW της στη Βόρεια Κορέα. Βόρεια Κορέες Atomic Bomb μπορεί να είναι πραγματικό και αυτό μπορεί να έχει ξεκινήσει η έρευνα από την ιαπωνική κυβέρνηση το Παγκόσμιο Πόλεμο 2. |
עדויות של צפון קוריאה Atomic Bomb ו יכולות לוחמה כימית. בנוסף, את ההיסטוריה של טיסות לתמוך החיילים שלנו, של POW בצפון קוריאה. צפון Koreas Atomic Bomb עשוי להיות אמיתי, וזה היה יכול להיות שהתחיל את המחקר מן הממשלה היפנית במלחמת העולם 2. |
उत्तर कोरिया के परमाणु बम और रासायनिक युद्ध क्षमताओं के साक्ष्य. साथ ही, उड़ानों के इतिहास हमारे सैनिकों, का समर्थन करने के लिए पाउ है उत्तर कोरिया में है. उत्तर कोरियाई परमाणु बम असली हो सकता है और यह शोध द्वारा विश्व युद्ध 2 में जापानी सरकार की ओर से शुरू किए गए हैं मई. |
Bizonytk az szak-koreai atombomba-s vegyipari Warfare kpessgek. Radsul, a trtnelem a jratok, hogy segtse a katonk, pow van szak-Korea. szak-Korea atombomba lehet igazi, s mr megkezdte a kutatst a japn kormny msodik vilghbor 2. |
Bukti bahwa Korea Utara dari Atomic Bomb dan Kimia Warfare Kemampuan. Plus, sejarah penerbangan untuk mendukung kami prajurit, POW dalam Korea Utara. Utara Koreas Atomic Bomb mungkin nyata dan mungkin telah dimulai oleh penelitian dari Pemerintah Jepang dalam Perang Dunia 2. |
La prova della Corea del Nord della bomba atomica e la guerra chimica capacit. Plus, la storia dei voli a sostenere i nostri soldati, POW in Corea del Nord. Nord Coree bomba atomica pu essere reale e non pu essere stato avviato con la ricerca del governo giapponese in World War 2. |
北朝鮮の原爆や化学兵器の証拠能力。さらに、飛行の歴史を我々の兵士は、捕虜の対北朝鮮支援する。北朝鮮原爆本当かもしれないと、研究に第一次世界大戦2で、日本政府から開始されている場合があります。 |
북한의 원자 폭탄과 화학전 능력의 증거. 게다가, 비행의 역사를 우리의 병사들이 전쟁 포로가 북한을 지원했다. 북한 원자 폭탄이 현실로 될 수 있으며, 그것은 연구에 의해 제 2 차 세계 대전에서 일본 정부로부터 시작되었을 수도있습니다. |
Pierādījumi par Ziemeļkoreja atomjautājumu bumbu un ķīmisko kaujas spējas. Plus, vēsturi lidojumu atbalstīt mūsu kareivjiem, POW's Ziemeļkoreja. North Koreas Atomic bumbu var būt reāls, un tas, iespējams, ir sākuši ar pētniecības no Japānas valdību Pasaules kara 2. |
Įrodymai dėl Šiaurės Korėjos atominės bombų ir cheminio ginklo pajėgumų. Be to, istorija skrydžiai į paramą mūsų kareiviai, belaisvių's Šiaurės Korėja. Šiaurės Korėjos atominės bombų gali būti realus ir gali būti pradėtas mokslinių tyrimų iš Japonijos vyriausybės pasaulinio karo 2. |
Evidenza ta 'North Korea's Atomic Bomb Chemical Gwerra u Kapaċitajiet. Plus, l-istorja ta 'titjiriet lejn l-appoġġ tagħna suldati, POW's fil-Korea. North Koreas Atomic Bomb Mejju jkun reali u li seta 'ġie mibdi mill-riċerka mill-Gvern Ġappuniż fil Gwerra Dinjija 2. |
Evidence of North Korea's Atomic Bomb og Chemical Warfare evner. Og historien om flyreiser til sttte vre soldater, POW str i Nord-Korea. Nord-Koreas Atomic Bomb kan vre ekte, og det kan ha blitt startet av forskningen fra den japanske regjeringen i World War 2. |
Dowody Korea Płnocna's Atomic Bomb i chemiczne Warfare Capabilities. Plus, historii loty do wsparcia naszych żołnierzy, POW jest w Korei Płnocnej. North Koreas Atomic Bomb może być rzeczywistym i może zostać uruchomiony przez badania od japońskiego rządu w World War 2. |
Provas da Coria do Norte da bomba atmica e Chemical Warfare capacidades. Plus, a histria dos voos para apoiar os nossos soldados, POW's na Coria do Norte. Coreias do Norte Atomic Bomb pode ser real e que pode ter sido iniciado pela investigao do governo japons em World War 2. |
Dovezile de Coreea de Nord a Atomic Bomb şi chimice Războiul Capabilities. n plus, n istoria de zboruri pentru a sprijini noastre soldaţi, POW's n Coreea de Nord. Nord Koreas Atomic Bomb poate fi real şi este posibil să fi fost nceput de cercetare de la guvernul japonez, n primul război mondial 2. |
Доказательства в Северной Корее атомной бомбы и химических боевых возможностей. Плюс, история полеты, чтобы поддержать наших военнослужащих, военнопленных в Северной Корее. Северная Корей атомная бомба может быть реальной и, возможно, он приступил к исследованиям с правительством Японии в мировой войны 2. |
Доказ о Нортх Кореа'с атомска бомба и хемијско ратовање способности. Плус, историја летови за подршку нашим војницима, поу-а у Северној Кореји. Северна Кореас атомска бомба мај бити стварна и она мај су почела истраживања из јапанске владе у Уорлд Уар 2. |
Doklady o severokorejsk atmovej bomby a chemick vojna schopnostiam. Plus, histrii letov na podporu našich vojakov, POW, v Severnej Krei. Severnej Krey atmovej bomby mžu byť relne a je možn, že bolo začat vskumu od japonskej vldy v druhej svetovej vojne 2. |
Dokazila o Severni Koreji za atomska bomba in kemičnimi bojnimi sredstvi zmogljivostih. Plus, zgodovini poleti za podporo naših vojakov, POW's v Severno Korejo. Severna Koreas Atomska bomba je lahko resnična in morda so začeli z raziskavami iz japonsko vlado v 2 svetovni vojni. |
Pruebas de Corea del Norte de la Bomba Atmica y de las Armas Qumicas Capacidades. Adems, la historia de los vuelos de apoyo a nuestros soldados, prisioneros de guerra en Corea del Norte. Bomba Atmica de Corea del Norte puede ser real y es posible que haya sido iniciado por la investigacin del Gobierno del Japn en la Primera Guerra Mundial 2. |
Bevis fr Nordkorea r atombomben och kemisk krigfring kapacitetstaganden. Plus, historia flygningar till std fr vra soldater, POW's i Nordkorea. North koreanska atombomb kan vara riktiga och det kan ha brjat med forskning frn den japanska regeringen i vrlden War 2. |
หลักฐานการเกาหลีเหนือของระเบิดปรมาณูสงครามเคมีและขีดความสามารถ. พลัส, ประวัติของเที่ยวบินที่สนับสนุนของเราทหาร, ห้วยในเกาหลีเหนือ. เหนือ Koreas ระเบิดปรมาณูอาจจริงและอาจถูกจากการวิจัยเริ่มต้นจากรัฐบาลญี่ปุ่นในสงครามโลกครั้งที่ 2. |
Kuzey Kore Atomic Bomb ve Kimyasal Harp Kabiliyetler kanıtları. Ayrıca, uuşlar tarihi Askerlerimiz, destek iin POW Kuzey Kore'de. Kuzey Koreas Atomic Bomb gerek olabilir ve bu araştırma ile Dnya Savaşı 2 Japon Hkmeti başladı olabilir. |
Докази в Північній Кореї атомної бомби та хімічних бойових можливостей. Плюс, історія польоти, щоб підтримати наших військовослужбовців, військовополонених в Північній Кореї. Північна Корея атомна бомба може бути реальною і, можливо, він приступив до досліджень з урядом Японії в світової війни 2. |
Bằng chứng về Bắc Triều Tin của Atomic Bomb warfare Ha chất v khả năng. Ngoai ra, lịch sử của cc chuyến bay để hỗ trợ chiến sĩ của chng ti, trong POW của Bắc Triều Tin. Bắc Koreas Atomic Bomb c thể được thực tế v n c thể đ được bắt đầu bằng cch nghin cứu từ Chnh phủ Nhật Bản trong Chiến tranh Thế giới thứ 2. |
Japn la primera bomba atmica. Bomba Atmica de Corea del Norte. Esta es la historia de los japoneses programa de armas atmicas, las armas atmicas de Corea del Norte del Programa y muy eventualmente el inicio de la Bomba Atmica nuclear ruso Produccin. |
Japan's First Atomic Bomb. Core du Nord bombe atomique. C'est l'histoire de l'Atomic Weapons Program japonais, la Core du Nord Atomic Weapons programme et Trs Peut-tre le dbut de la Russie, la production nuclaire de la bombe atomique. |
일본 최초의 원자 폭탄. 북한 원폭. 이것은 일본의 핵 무기 프로그램, 북한의 핵 무기 프로그램과 매우 러시아의 핵 원자 폭탄 제조의 가능성이 시작의 이야기입니다. |
日本の最初の原子爆弾。北朝鮮原爆。これは、日本の核兵器開発計画、北朝鮮の核兵器開発計画とは、ロシアの核燃料生産の可能性が開始原爆の話をされています。 |
Япония первой атомной бомбы. Северная Корей атомной бомбы. Это история о японской атомной программы вооружения, северокорейской атомной программы вооружения и очень возможно, началом российского ядерного производства атомной бомбы. |
日本的第一顆原子彈。朝鮮原子彈。這是故事的日本核武計劃,朝鮮核武計劃,並很可能開始的俄羅斯核原子彈生產。 |
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